Source code for pathme_viewer.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains the PathMe database manager."""

import logging

from bio2bel.utils import get_connection
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, func, and_
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
from pybel import from_bytes

from .constants import MODULE_NAME
from .models import Base, Pathway

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Manager(object): """Database manager.""" def __init__(self, engine, session): """Init PathMe manager.""" self.engine = engine self.session = session self.create_all() @staticmethod def from_connection(connection=None): connection = get_connection(MODULE_NAME, connection) engine = create_engine(connection) session_maker = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False) session = scoped_session(session_maker) return Manager(engine, session)
[docs] def create_all(self, check_first=True): """Create tables for PathMe.""" Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine, checkfirst=check_first)
[docs] def drop_all(self, check_first=True): """Drop all tables for PathMe.""" Base.metadata.drop_all(self.engine, checkfirst=check_first)
"""Query methods"""
[docs] def count_pathways(self): """Count the pathways in the database. :rtype: int """ return self.session.query(Pathway).count()
[docs] def count_pathways_by_resource(self): """Count the pathways in the database grouping by resource. :rtype: int """ return self.session.query( Pathway.resource_name, func.count(Pathway.resource_name) ).group_by(Pathway.resource_name).all()
[docs] def get_all_pathways(self): """Get all pathways in the database. :rtype: list[Pathway] """ return self.session.query(Pathway).all()
[docs] def get_all_pathway_graphs(self): """Get all pathway graphs. :rtype: list[pybel.BELGraph] """ return [ from_bytes(pathway.blob) for pathway in self.get_all_pathways() ]
[docs] def get_pathway_by_id(self, pathway_id, resource_name): """Get pathway by canonical identifier. :param str pathway_id: pathway identifier :param str resource_name: name of the database :rtype: Optional[Pathway] """ condition = and_(Pathway.pathway_id == pathway_id, Pathway.resource_name == resource_name) return self.session.query(Pathway).filter(condition).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_pathway_by_name(self, pathway_name, resource_name): """Get pathway by name. :param str pathway_name: pathway identifier :param str resource_name: name of the database :rtype: Optional[Pathway] """ condition = and_( == pathway_name, Pathway.resource_name == resource_name) return self.session.query(Pathway).filter(condition).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_pathways_from_resource(self, resource_name): """Get pathways from a given database. :param str resource_name: name of the database :rtype: Optional[list[Pathway]] """ return self.session.query(Pathway).filter(Pathway.resource_name == resource_name).all()
[docs] def create_pathway(self, pathway_dict): """Create pathway. :param dict pathway_dict: pathway identifier :rtype: Pathway """ pathway = Pathway(**pathway_dict) self.session.add(pathway) self.session.commit() return pathway
[docs] def delete_pathway(self, pathway_id, resource_name): """Delete a pathway. :param str pathway_id: pathway identifier :param str resource_name: name of the database :rtype: bool """ pathway = self.get_pathway_by_id(pathway_id, resource_name) if pathway: self.session.delete(pathway) self.session.commit() return True return False
[docs] def delete_all_pathways(self): """Delete all the pathways.""" self.session.query(Pathway).delete() self.session.commit()
[docs] def delete_pathways_from_resource(self, resource_name): """Delete pathways from a given database. :param str resource_name: name of the database :rtype: bool """ pathways_in_resource = self.session.query(Pathway).filter(Pathway.resource_name == resource_name) if not pathways_in_resource: return False pathways_in_resource.delete() self.session.commit() return True
[docs] def get_or_create_pathway(self, pathway_dict): """Get or create pathway. :param dict pathway_dict: pathway info :rtype: Pathway """ pathway = self.get_pathway_by_id(pathway_dict['pathway_id'], pathway_dict['resource_name']) if pathway is None: pathway = self.create_pathway(pathway_dict) return pathway
[docs] def query_pathway_by_name(self, query, limit=None): """Return all pathways having the query in their names. :param str query: query string :param Optional[int] limit: limit result query :rtype: list[Pathway] """ q = self.session.query(Pathway).filter( if limit: q = q.limit(limit) return q.all()
[docs] def query_pathway_by_name_and_resource(self, query, resource_name, limit=None): """Return all pathways having the query in their names. :param str query: query string :param str resource_name: database name :param Optional[int] limit: limit result query :rtype: list[Pathway] """ condition = and_(, Pathway.resource_name == resource_name) q = self.session.query(Pathway).filter(condition) if limit: q = q.limit(limit) return q.all()